Now to the other side of the story..so I got to daydreaming in my head...would it honestly be possible for me to snag myself Kate Major's journalist position. Afterall...it was my dream in life to move to New York City...somehow I ended up in Hawaii & now back here in Wernersville. I'm not sure if Star knows it but, come November when Jon (minus Kate & her 8) goes out to Hawaii for Shane Victorino's wedding....they are definitely going to want me on their team.
Now here is a story I've been holding out on you. For 2 years...yes, TWO solid years....I have been trying & trying with all of my mite to master high key pictures. See..when I started out in "boutique world" little did I know that you had to also be an accomplished writer & photographer. The writing part I had down pat...the photography...not so much. Lucky for me Lily was born with a full head of hair & in Hawaii the sun was always shining. But, one thing that I wanted so badly to master was "high key" pictures. I'm sure if you are anyone who knows me personally you have heard me talk about "high key" pictures on numerous occasions. It's basically when the background is completely blown out of the picture..like you would get from a studio portrait. In Hawaii I tried to turn out 4X4 kitchen into a high key studio with a white sheet, a white board floor, & 4 huge worker lights from Lowe's...talk about heat. Poor Lily & a complete flop. After we moved to PA I tried & tried & tried again. I bought the big studio lights, a newer/better camera, set up a white sheet, had the girls play in front of it for about 4 hours & nothing. Defeat. After I found out from a friend who lives in my neighborhood that our backyard neighbors thought that I had some "Jon Bennet Ramsey" thing going on with Lily (HAHA) I decided I wanted more options so I asked Mr. Momi if I could paint the garage. Of course he said "sure....what color are you going to paint it?" Little did he know! Our "across the street neighbors" must now think we are a little on the wild side since our garage has fabulous blocks of colors in shades of blue, red, pink, & white. Anyhow, I knew that it was the absolute best place for a photography studio because despite the fact that we never use our garage...during the day it becomes completely sundrenched if the doors are open. Alas...Victory....My high key pictures have been achieved & all it took was a paint roller, some primer, manual mode on my camera, & a little bit of determination.
Feast your eyes on the next to be released Momi boutique design: Thursday July 30
Wish I had space in my garage to paint like that. Enjoy it! :)
Beautiful colors on the new dress, I love it!
Genius, pure genius!
Good job Rachel!! The picture looks great! :D I still have that big white thing you used as the white flooor in the kitchen rolled up in my closet that I was supposed to hand off to Cynthia, hehe.
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