Tonight I had a chuckle..I have a few new flower girl/pageant/party dresses making there way into MOMI boutique & I've been ho-huming around about "the look" I want for these pictures. I'm not usually that narotic when it comes to pictures but, there was a pretty particular look I had in mind for this Chocolate dream dress..tree lined railroad tracks, a little girl with ringlet curls, & a nice vintage touch. Needless to say I stepped Lily up to bat since she is easy access & typically cooperative with just a $1 bribe. Not today ladies & gentlemen! The ringlet curls were all beautifully in place & we headed out to the tracks only to have her fall asleep in the biggie. The sun was blasting & I can't make a picture look good to save my soul when there is blasting sun.

A few hours later I tried to bribe Lily while she was "working", so she proclaimed, helping Mr. MOMI dig a garden. I tried to bribe her with $1..not a chance..this little garden digger was not budging. Can I really blame her?'s been modeling basically every MOMI design since the beginning of MOMI..that would put her at exactly 3 months old..poor little girl couldn't even sit up on her own but, we managed. I finally sealed the deal with $5 for a pair of roller skates but, then she shouted at me.."but I need one for the other foot!". Little did I know my 3 year old is smart enough to know that roller skates do not cost $5. To top it off, she tried to convince me to let her hold her pink shovel as she modeled the dress...not a chance lady!
If you would like to bid on Monday's MOMI Melting Pot Swing Top please go to! Auction will start at 8:30 pm EST tonight & end at 8:30pm EST tomorrow (7/20/10)
I decided to borrow the daughter of the headless horseman for this shot..she has no opinion & can't be bribed with ice cream!
Here is a little sneak peek!