A huge THANK YOU is overdue to all of my fabulous customers who took advantage of my polka dot sale last week. whewee! What an outstanding turnout, you all have kept me on my toes all week long! I run a very tight ship with myself so, if your dress/set has not already been shipped out yesterday, it will be on it's way to your front door the beginning of this coming week!

I was slow on the draw today to blog about the Art Show Saturday piece & before I knew it, it sold! Did I mention I have the most amazing customers?!! Here is a picture of the OOAK tunic knot top made from Amy Butler's rare King's fern print in soft mint!! What a lucky lucky girl Miss Hayden will be!
Don't miss out on my OOAK art show piece next saturday morning! It may have something to do with Easter. (hint...hint)
In the meantime...here is a sweet new easter set that you can find in my etsy store while supplies last!
http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?ref=sr_list_5&listing_id=21510284&ga_search_query=momi+boutique&ga_search_type=tag_titleP.S. This Purple fFreckles set coordinates perfectly with my LuLu triple ruffle knot dress for a sweet sister duo.