Purchase $300 worth of Momi boutique &/or Pink momi from October 1st-15th & receive a FREE Jubilee dress or gingerbread surprise ruffle bottoms!(*does not apply to previous purchases )
I had a near & dear customer comment to me in a message (around the time of my last pink momi dress event) saying enthusiastically..."I sure hope you kept some of the dresses for your girls!"....I pondered her statement & the next day I had an epiphany (haha!..some of you are probably laughing right now & yes, for the record..I did go celebrity stalking today after my post office run FOR the first time in approx 2 months. For the record...I saw NO sign on the gate)
Back to my story..truth be told...I never had let my girls keep any of the clothes I make..(gasp!) Why not you ask? I had the logic all worked out in my head..when I first started Momi boutique we lived on a tropical island with no air conditioning so, on a typical day Lily would refuse to wear anything but a diaper around the house. Other than hanging around the house we really didn't get out much because, yes, I was the mom who was scared of my baby crying in the store. Did I ever mention that Lily had colic for 5 months? Oh yes, and of course Leah had to follow her lead & have colic for 7 months..so if you happen to have a colicy baby..I will be happy to console you! I think it's needless to say why my children now go to daycare a few days a week...my patience has worn down to negative 15. Little did I know that Lily's "diaper only" days would carry over into her toddler years. I am afraid she may run off to join a nudist colony someday. The joke is..where are your clothes Lily?..Oh! Mommy sold them all! Funny but, not the case, I have a closet with over 155 Momi boutique designs that were worn for modeling only. Oh yes, it is true! Some day I will have to have a big sample sale...don't worry, you will be the first to know!!
Anyhow, to make a LONG story short...I finally have started making Momi clothes for my own girls to keep :) The staple dress that I keep going back to is their Mother Nature knot dresses & now we have paired it with the chocolate punch dots..a fabulous combo! It is so amazing to see all of the people who turn their heads, point, or just come right up to us & compliment the designs. If you have the same thing happen when your daughter steps out in her momi clothes please email me at
momi_boutique@hotmail.com & find out details on how you can earn FREE clothes!
Oh girl your girls are the best advertisement you could possibly have! Put them in your adorable dresses everyday until they are 16 and hate you! Trust me, just keep a stash of biz cards with you. Your work is stunning and I know for a fact people will want to know where those beautiful little ones got their outfits!
It cracks me up when people notice me wearing my hair goodies and my 6 year old son goes off in a whole spiel about how his Mommy makes flowers and mails them to all over the world and people buy them on the computer. He cracks me up! It's amazing what the kiddos come up with!
Rachel, Everywhere we go we get stopped when my daughter is wearing her momi dresses. Recently we attended a shower and she was wearing her Lucy dress and little bloomers. Everyone wanted to know where can they buy that dress? :) Your dresses and little knot tops are gorgeous! So glad your little ones are showing them off too!
Hey I remember asking you that question! So glad you are coming around and keeping some styles for your girls. We love every piece of Momi we own-and boy do we own a lot!
I love the little tree fabric on her dress! I've been seeing it pop up every where lately.
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