I'll be the first to admit...we've been struggling at the house of Momi this week...or maybe it was really just Mr. Momi that got the brunt of it all. Well, even though he got the brunt..I was surely the runt of the litter...oink oink. When my doctor told me thursday that I have the swine flu I must have looked like a deer in headlights because that is surely what I felt like. It was the first time I was at my hometown family doctor in probably 7 years & for the first time I didn't feel nervous to be there. I thought oh a little bronchitis..give me some antibiotics..send me home..nope, rachel, you are the lucky winner of the swine flu!

Yes, I was pretty certain that I was facing the death penalty. My doctor could have at least reassured me that I was indeed NOT going to crumble to the ground. Since my doctor didn't take the time to reassure me, I will be the first to reassure you that having the swine flu is really NOTHING to get worked up about if you are a semi-healthy being (I'll say semi because I'm pretty sure my diet consists soley of coca cola & cheese nips)

Quite frankly...I think I would like a dose of the swine flu about twice a year for the next 18 years if it always involved breakfast, lunch, & dinner in bed, freshly baked brownies, rented chick flicks, all of the laundry done, not having to change a diaper for 3 days...yes Mr. Momi you really outdid yourself didn't you. (I think he thought I was a goner haha)
Unfortunately for me, I believe the pig has left the building.

But on the bright side..I'm back & I'm ready to go! The steam has been blowing out of my sewing machines all morning & any orders that have not been shipped, will be shipped out this week. I do have a few more christmas things in the works but, it may be a week or two before we see those. Please do get your christmas orders in as soon as you possibly can because I will be going on a mini vacation next month so rush orders for the holiday season will not be accomodated.

Thank you to all of the Momi Moms who sent me wonderful pics this week! Also please be sure to checkout this blog
http://www.envidastudioblog.com/ to see more pics of some momi girls in their chocolate mahogany wear! Scroll down to the "Classic Christmas {Sophia & Maya}" post. (amazing photographer & if you live in Michigan I strongly suggest!)

Until next time...cheers :)
You are SO DANG funny! I love your stories. Glad you're feeling better.
You are SO DANG funny! I love your stories. Glad you're feeling better.
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