I have SO much to say I don't even know where to begin! Today is Lil's 3rd birthday so a much needed HUGE Happy Birthday to the swine flu survivor....or so we thought! The doctor had me convinced Sunday that after talking to an infectious disease doctor down at CHOP that even after 2 negative swine flu tests, she mostly likely DID have the swine flu. Well, after her repeat blood work & follow up appointment today..we're not really so sure what is going on as her inflammation is still elevated. This whole experience has been nothing short of a complete nightmare from the moment she turned grey & to ice in the doctor's office Friday night, to the 106 temp while being admitted. It is quite tramatic having a sick child, especially when your husband's tear ducts flow just as fast as hers! Big ol' softy! I, for one, know that I am absolutely NOT cut out to be the parent of a terminally ill child...no, absolutely would have to call in back up support. And thank the sparkling stars in the sky that my mom is a nurse!
Speaking of sparkling..that leads me to my next thought! The entire time we were holed up in the Reading hospital Lily kept begging to go home to her birthday party (we had one planned for Sunday). Well, when we arrived home on Sunday we made it happen! As I have already made completely clear...I am NO party planner! Lily's theme turned from Wow Wow Wubzy into..."anything Lily loves". We had wubzy, backyardigans, my little pony..and of course little silver circle confetti. Monday morning I frantically picked up all of the confetti that I was finding all over the floor, all the while thinking.."I sure hope leah doesn't swallow any of these or we may just be right back in the hotel for lead poisoning"...Sure enough, I changed the diaper & there staring me in the face was a silver sparkling confetti!
Needless to say she survived & I'll be happy to tell her someday that she poops sparkles. She'll just love that since she is the girly girl of the group!
I feel like I have been a whirlwind & am crossing my fingers tight that daycare will happen the next two days because Friday we are supposed to take flight to Florida for a mini vaca & let it be known that I have absolutely no new designs to be modeled...huge disappoint to me, however, maybe it is all for the better! I may just take those 4 days of rest & relaxation & run with them!
Thank you all for your positive vibes & well wishes over the past few days!
Enjoy your time off! Give both girls big hugs, and have fun!!! You deserve it girl! BTW I'm so jealous of your trip!!! Take lots of pics!
So glad she is on the road to recovery. Enjoy your time off!
Wow, what a nightmare!! I know how hard having a sick little one can be, that must have been so hard on all of you. Happy to hear she's better and hope you had a wonderful vacation. Your article will be up later this week :)
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